
Gaining weight is making me tired!

I'm glad you are enjoying your gain smiley

As for why you are tired, could be any number of things....but one thing I'd maybe worry about is if shoving that much sugar into your body is throwing it off? Maybe give it a week where you cut down on the amount of sweet? (and by the way cheesecake does have a lot of sugar, you just don't taste it as much because of all the fat smiley ) I'm not saying that is the reason, just that it could be a reason.

Another thought is that, with putting on weight that fast, I wonder if your body is busy trying to grow more skin (or even fat cells), which would be tiring in the same way that getting over an injury can be tiring.

Also certainly after a big meal most people feel tired, so if you are almost constantly full, it could be that simple. Also, if you haven't been getting any exercise, a lot of people find that makes them tired too.

Anyway, I still think it might be worth dialing things back a notch, especially on the sugar, for a week, and see how you feel. If nothing else it might give your body a bit of a chance to catch up with all the changes.
14 years

Gaining weight is making me tired!

Royal wrote
13 lbs in 3 weeks is a major gain, especially if you are not all that big (me, on the other hand, who is somewhere around 400, it's not that big). Your body could just need sometime to adjust to the new weight and the new eating habits. Right now, your body is a bit out of whack and in something that it isn't exactly familiar with, so if you give it time you should be OK.

If you wanted some advice, it's awesome that you have a great gain out of the starting gate like that, but I would take it down a notch. Just general overeating and a dessert or two, because if you go all out, you will experience what you are now. You can always eat more as time goes on.

Also, you get to savor every new pound, which is a perk itself.

I agree,take your time...the human body need stime to adjust to change,be it weight gain or loss or any other kind of major change.Also,how much of what you are eating is sugar (remembering that a lot is 'hidden' in processed foods)?Sugar gives you a quick energy boost,but that is followed by an equally abrupt 'down'.Bananas give energy,but release the sugar slowly and therefore avoid the low.
ENJOY your weight gain as I do mine..enjoy eating and try to not look at it as a race,although,as a gainer,I understand your impatiencesmiley
14 years